FREE skips will be placed around an East Durham town as part of a campaign to crack down on littering and flytipping.

Durham County Council and North Peterlee Pathfinder are providing the skips in an effort to encourage residents to dispose of their household waste responsibly.

Helen Douglas, Durham County Council Pride in Easington officer, said: "Litter and waste in streets and yards make our communities feel neglected and unwelcoming.

"We’re providing these free skips in the hope that residents will take the opportunity to clear out their rubbish and improve the appearance of their homes and neighbourhoods."

Skips will be sited at the following locations, between 10am and 3pm, on Monday, 12 October: Nesbit Road, Denehouse; Elliott Road, Edenhill; Crawford Avenue West, Edenhill; Basingstoke Road, Acre Rigg and Avon Road, Passmore.

Skips are provided for the use by residents only and should not be used for the disposal of business waste.

Two more free skip days will be taking place in the area during November and January.

Primary school pupils across East Durham are also being challenged to design an anti-littering sticker as part of the campaign.

The winning design, which will feature the slogan ‘Take pride in your local area’, will be displayed on litter bins around North Peterlee.

For more information about free skip days and the schools competition, contact the Pride in Easington team on 0191 527 0501 or email