SERVICES which support unpaid carers in County Durham are to receive a major funding boost, it has been announced.

A new joint funding arrangement between Durham County Council and NHS County Durham will mean an increase in funding for core carer services by £154,000 a year.

The services provide information, support and advice for all carers in County Durham who look after ill, frail or disabled family members or friends.

They can also put people in contact with other organisations which offer practical support, such as breaks for carers and carer emergency support.

Core carer services are provided by five local voluntary and community sector organisations – Derwentside Locality Carers’ Centre, Durham and Chester-le-Street Carers’ Support, Durham Dales Action for Carers, Easington District Carers’ Support and Sedgefield Locality Carers’ Centre.

The new arrangements mean that funding will be more evenly distributed between the five areas and that carers will receive the same level of service regardless of where they live in the county.

County council cabinet member for adult services Councillor Morris Nichols said: "These support services are a lifeline for many carers in County Durham, who work tirelessly and without pay to care for sick or frail family members or friends.

"Evidence has shown that sometimes carers’ own health and quality of life can suffer because of their caring duties.

"By helping to ensure carers get the right support, when they need it, these services can help them to enjoy better health and wellbeing and have a better balance between their own lives and their roles as carers.

"The changes that are being introduced not only mean a welcome boost in funding of £154,000 a year, but also a fairer and more equitable service across the county."

The new funding arrangements are with immediate effect.