RESIDENTS, businesses and community groups are being urged to take advantage of a new project designed to spearhead the environmental regeneration of a vast area of north Durham.

The Green Futures initiative, run by Groundwork North East, is aiming to encourage towns and villages throughout the former Derwentside district to take control of enhancing their local surroundings.

It will take a three-pronged approach - targeting communities, young people and businesses - in a bid to get the area thinking in a more environmentally-friendly way.

As part of the communities drive, Groundwork is hoping to attract people to become volunteers and get actively involved in improving their local green spaces.

The organisation could offer training or work alongside existing groups to develop large-scale projects and secure funding if required.

Groundwork staff will be attending events and promoting pride in the local environment, with a series of guided walks, talks and group activity sessions, as well as activities with schools.

In addition, the charity has two environmental teams which are available to carry out practical improvements to green spaces, such as clearing footpaths or working on community gardens.

Green Futures is also urging businesses to take up free advice and training sessions to help them reduce their impact on the environment.

Groundwork’s Environmental Business Services team will offer community groups a review of their present practices and advise on how to reduce water, energy and waste. Organisations could eventually gain a certificate confirming their green credentials.

Young people are also being given the chance to do their bit for their community by getting involved with the Reconnect scheme around South Moor, Delves Lane and Dipton.

Youth workers are working with children and young people in areas with high levels of anti-social behaviour and provide activities to boost participants’ personal development.

The Green Futures programme is funded by Working Neighbourhoods Fund through Durham County Council and will run until March 2011.

Volunteers and green spaces co-ordinator for North Durham, Kath Ivens, said: "Green Futures offers everyone in our local communities the chance to play a major role in environmental regeneration.

"We would love to hear from any individuals, organisations or businesses who feel that they could benefit from Groundwork’s expertise."

For further information about any aspect of the project, contact Groundwork North East on (01207) 524803.