CHILDREN who went on a school visit to Germany are meeting people from the organisation which funded the trip.

Youngsters from Tanfield Lea Community Primary School enjoyed their visit to Tübingen last year thanks to money from County Durham Community Foundation.

On Thursday, members of the Stanley branch will come into the school to hear about their trip.

Fifteen primary children, along with five year 11 students from Tanfield School, took part in the project, linking up with a secondary school in Tübingen.

They visited a German Christmas Market to sample local produce and converse in German, as well as the Ritter Sport Factory in Waldenbuch and enjoyed a ChocoArtist Workshop.

Kay Hemmings, who is headteacher of Tanfield Lea Community Primary School, said: “The children had the opportunity to experience a different culture as well as the opportunity to experience travelling beyond their own country, some flying for the first time.

“For older students it was an opportunity for them to share their knowledge of the German language by supporting the learning of the primary children prior to and during the visit.

“The celebration event will show the funders how potentially life changing their contribution has been.”