A SHOPLIFTER threatened other customers with a bottle of wine he was in the throes of walking out of a store with, a court heard.

Brett McGill entered the Post Office/Costcutters premises on Front Street, Burnopfield, at 12.20pm on February 7.

Durham Crown Court was told he selected a bottle of red wine and a packet of crisps, but when he went to the counter to pay, his debit card was declined by his bank.

Jane Foley, prosecuting, said despite his inability to pay, he left with both items.

Three male customers entered the premises and were told by the assistant what had just happened.

McGill re-entered the store and picked up another bottle of wine and two packets of sandwiches.

Miss Foley said McGill held the bottle threateningly, challenging the customers in the store to “go outside”.

But he was arrested a short time later and shop cctv was viewed. The value of goods not recovered from McGill was put at £10.50.

The assistant told police she was “petrified”, but relieved others came into the store.

McGill, 30, formerly of Dipton, near Stanley, admitted a charge of affray arising from the incident.

Liam O’Brien, mitigating, said McGill was given a community order for other matters at court, in January, but by his actions on February 7 had, “blown” that chance.

Describing it as, “a pretty unedifying display of drunken aggression”. Judge James Adkin imposed a four-month prison sentence.