VOLUNTEERS will be holding their next community litter pick on Tuesday to brighten up their local area.

Members of the Friends of Greencroft will be meeting at Annfield Plain Cricket Club at 10am.

The action group was formed last year and carried out four litter picks across 2019.

Durham County Councillor Jeanette Stephenson said: “The community has worked together to make a success of each pick and we have had a lot of support from Durham County Council, who provide our equipment, and Stanley Town Council who always join us.”

Group member George Fisher said: “A lot of people that I talk to are irritated and concerned at the amount of littering and rubbish dumping which is taking place and blighting their communities.

“We all have a responsibility as individuals to respond not solely relying on council authorities to see that our environment particularly where we live is kept clean and free from littering and rubbish.The aim is to encourage more people to become involved to take this responsibility on board, play some part in ensuring that we have a cleaner better place to live.

“We are all acutely aware of the environmental problems that the world is facing and we need people to come forward, play their part and work together to meet these challenges.”