A YOUNG photographer with an eye for an unusual shot was a runner-up in a national competition after winning the Northern prize.

Nine-year-old Adam Dale, who is a pupil at Shincliffe Church of England Primary School, near Durham, was taking part in the Young Photographer Competition, which is run each year by Rotary International in Britain and Ireland.

His eye-catching image of flowers, which he named A Different Perspective, was good enough to earn him third place in the national finals in the 7-10 year old category.

He had previously won the North of England district competition.

Tom Sharples, president of Durham Elvet Rotary, presented Adam with his prize, which included a £30 gift token and certificate.

He said; "It's great to see young people taking an interest in serious photography and producing work worthy of recognition at a national level.

"Adam should be very proud of his achievement."