A SOCIAL club for women has marked its tenth anniversary with a celebratory supper.

Sacriston Ladies’ Club was formed in 2009 by Eileen Donnelly, and her sister, Catherine Hall.

The group of 13 members meets at The Fulforth Centre in Sacriston every Thursday from 6.30pm to 9pm.

It coincided with the birthday of the group’s oldest member, Mary Rockell, from Sacriston, who is 93.

Mrs Donnelly said: “The new centre opened ten years ago and me and my sister said we should have a ladies club.

“We put it forward as a suggestion and it was accepted.

“We also help out at the centre with the things that are going on there.”

The Fulforth Centre is owned and managed jointly by Sacriston Community and Sports Trust and Sacriston Community Association.

It is open six days a week, offering nearly 30 low cost sessions, as well as the ladies’ group, ranging from bingo to theatre school.

Group members enjoy activities, speakers, demonstrations, games, such as dominoes, quizzes and bingo.

Last night the group had a special buffet to mark the milestone meeting.

Mrs Donnelly said: “There is a social side to it as well so you make friends.

“People who come along have a good night and enjoy themselves.

“We are mostly all over 70 now but people of all ages are welcome.”

To find out more call 0191-371-0601 or email info@thefulforthcentre.co.uk