VANDALS are putting lives at risk by damaging public rescue equipment along a North-East river bank.

Three lifebuoys installed between the National Glass Centre and Wearmouth Bridge in Sunderland were ripped off their posts and thrown in the river recently.

This is just the latest in a long line of attacks on public rescue equipment along the city’s riverbanks.

Sunderland City Councillor John Kelly said: “I can think of nothing to explain this other than sheer wanton vandalism.

“How anyone can vandalise equipment that is clearly designed to save lives is beyond me. Those who are responsible for this should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

“I would call on those responsible to think how they would feel if their loved ones got into difficulties and drowned because the vital public rescue equipment that was there to rescue them had been stolen or damaged.

“I would also ask that anyone who sees someone damaging or stealing life buoys or other public rescue equipment reports it to the police immediately.”

The city council inspects all public rescue equipment weekly and has responded to 17 instances of missing or damaged public rescue equipment since the beginning of this year. In 12 of these cases the equipment was taken from the site or thrown into the river.