A NEW traders association has been set up to represent a town’s businesses.

More than 30 businesses have already signed up to Consett Traders Association and new members are being invited to join.

The association was set up by B Supplied on behalf of Durham County Council to ensure that local firms have a voice in the future of the area as the authority presses ahead with delivery of its masterplan for the town.

Members will meet once a week, with various speakers are being invited to discuss issues relevant to the local traders, and will work with the council to improve the appearance of the town centre, address parking issues and promote events to boost the town’s economy.

Susan Routledge, chairman of Consett Traders Association, said: "The aim of the Consett Traders Association is to bring businesses together as one voice, working in unison with the local authority to put Consett firmly on the map as a great shopping destination.

"Consett has a great range of individual shops as well as high street names and a very strong community spirit to improve the town centre."

Coun Neil Foster, cabinet member for economic regeneration, said: "It’s great that we’ve been able to facilitate the setting up of a traders association in Consett.

"It’s essential that local traders have a voice that enables them to play a key part in the extensive work we’re carrying out to regenerate Consett to benefit both businesses and residents."

Anyone interested in contacting the association should call the chairman on 01207-580880.