EMERGENCY services are to stage a mock rescue in a village which has been repeatedly hit by flooding.

An exercise will take place in Lanchester next week to help villagers cope with any further flood events.

Exercise Valencia will take place in and around the village on Thursday, June 13 and will involve the police, fire service, voluntary service and Durham County Council’s civil contingencies unit.

They will stage a mock flooding scenario and part of the exercise will also involve the rescue of a vulnerable person by members of the RAF Search and Rescue Squadron who will be airlifted to safety.

Homes and businesses in the village has been badly hit by downpours on at least three occasions in the last year. In June, residents were evacuated from their homes when Smallhope Burn burst its banks and the most recent problems came only last month when St Bede’s School suffered flash flooding which caused almost a week of disruption for staff and pupils.

Durham County Council says next week’s exercise will help residents know the types of things that could happen should the village become flooded again.

Civil contingencies officer Graeme Lynn said: "The scenario intends to build upon the excellent work done in the village over the last 12 months during some of the flooding emergencies we have experienced.

"It’s important to test the community to see how they can work with the emergency services to protect the village in the event of extreme rainfall and flooding."

Local businesses are being invited to a breakfast time drop-in from 7.30am at the Kings Head where council officials will be on hand to discuss flooding issues.

Firefighters and the Territorial Army will demonstrate how to use aqua-sacs in and around the village green.

Extra police officers will be on duty in the village centre to answer any questions.