A FORMER headteacher has celebrated her 100th birthday.

Celia Hodgson trained as a teacher at St Hild’s College, in Durham, and during her teaching career served as headmistress of Dean Bank school, in Ferryhill.

Born in Cramlington, Northumberland, Mrs Hodgson moved into St Aidan’s Lodge residential care home, in Framwellgate Moor, a few weeks ago, from her home in Tudhoe.

Her relatives praised the work of the home staff in caring for her.

Mrs Hodgson, whose mother also lived beyond her centenary, welcomed relatives and well-wishers for a 100th birthday celebration on Monday (May 6), before joining other home residents for entertainment from a singer today (Tuesday, May 7).

Mrs Hodgson’s husband George and only child, Deirdre, have both died.