THREE young people on an employability course from The Princes Trust set up shop in East Durham Homes staff canteen to sell their own home-made flapjacks to raise money for local causes.

As part of their xl course, run by Stockton Riverside College, they have been gaining a wide range of skills from cooking to dog walking and helping out at a local food bank.

The six-week course is designed to give the students employability and practical skills to enable them to move into work, further education or training.

Nearly 100 flapjacks raising £100 that will be donated to the food bank to help people experiencing financial hardship.

Jayne Adamson, East Durham Homes senior employment and support officer said: “We are really pleased to be able to support the project and were happy for the three young people to come into our head office and sell their flapjacks.

“The flapjacks were really tasty and went down well with our staff.”