A LONG-SERVING primary school teacher is looking forward to spending more time in her garden after retiring.

Barbara Lamb has taught at Neville’s Cross Primary School, in Durham City, for 28 years.

The 55-year-old’s last day of teaching is tomorrow (Thursday, March 28).

She said she would spend her retirement caring for her mother, working in her garden and helping with Guides, Brownies and church activities.

Miss Lamb has always made the 100-mile round trip to school from her home in Acklington, Northumberland.

Today, former pupils and parents attended a farewell party at the school.

Miss Lamb said: “It’s nice to see that I’ve done some good and it’s been nice to work with such lovely, friendly staff.”

Proceeds from today’s event will go to the Charlie Bear for Cancer Care appeal. Miss Lamb previously battled breast cancer.