A CHARITY football is being played over Easter to raise money for a sick youngster.

A team of women will take on the men at Leadgate, near Consett, at noon on Easter Monday (April 1) to help the Fraja Ellie Appeal.

The appeal aims to raise £500,000 to send the five-year-old Leeming, North Yorkshire, to the US for treatment of her aggressive form of cancer.

Fraja’s family hail from Consett although they are based further south now.

The match will feature women from the Golden Lion pub and the Leadgate Cricket Club football team on the Eden playing field by the village’s community centre.

Lynne McGuigan, who is organizing the event with Maureen Fairgray, said: “We were going to be doing it wearing pyjamas but with the weather we’ll be in Wansees instead. “We wanted to do something to help the appeal.Maureen’s sister is very friendly with the family.”

Admission to the event is free.

Afterwards there will be an afternoon of fund-raising ast the pub featuring knock competitions in quoits, darts and dominoes , a s well as a tombola and raffle For details about the campaign visit facebook. com/FrajaEllieAppeal.

Donations can be sent to the Fraja Elllie Appeal, Yorkshire Bank, sort code 050631, account number 35520051, or by Paypal on frajaellieappeal@yahoo. co. uk