The Shiney Row Male Voice Choir will mark its 54th anniversary with a celebrity concert, featuring the world-renowned tenor Mark Le Brocq as the guest soloist, at the Ewesley Road Methodist Church, Sunderland, at 7pm on Saturday April 27. Tickets are £7.50. Contact Norman Hildrew on 0191-522 0772.

SOCIAL DANCE: A social dance will be held at the Indoor Bowling Club in Pity Me, near Durham, from 8pm to 11pm on Saturday March 30. Tickets are £2.50 on the door. For further information contact Michael Eglinton on 0191-386 6921.

HISTORY CLUB: The Wheatley Hill History Club will meet at Wheatley House in Woodlands Avenue, Wheatley Hill, at 7pm on Wednesday, March 27. The Northern Echo deputy editor Chris Lloyd will talk about The Titanic. The meeting is open to non-members. Admission is £2, including refreshments and raffle tickets.

BOWLS FUNDRAISER: Singer/comedian Lee Paul will perform at Consett Rugby Club in Albert Road, Consett, from 7pm to 11pm on Friday, May 3. The event is in aid of the Durham County Carpet Bowls Association Squad Funds. Tickets are £6 to include buffet. For more information contact Joyce Woodward on 0191 386 3236 or