AN OUTGOING charity group chairman has been honoured for his decade of service.

Paul Purdom was presented with gifts from members of the North Durham branch of Parkinson’s UK after the group’s annual general meeting.

Mr Purdom has retired after ten years as group chairman.

A Parkinson’s Disease sufferer himself, Mr Purdom was a founder member of the branch and under his chairmanship membership increased from three to 76.

Helen Tumility, another founder member, said: “Paul is an inspiration to us all.

“He manages his condition with a great sense of humour and a determination to remain positive.

“We hope that he will enjoy some leisure time but we are delighted that his expertise and advice will still be on hand in his new role as Vice President of the North Durham branch of Parkinson’s UK.”

The branch is to hold an open day at Durham Town Hall on Saturday, April 20, from 10am to 3pm. All are welcome.