ACCESS MEETING: Durham City Access for All Group will meet in Broom Lane Community Hall, Belmont, Durham, on Wednesday, November 14, at 3pm. Items for discussion include Durham County Council policy in advertising boards. New members are welcome.

DIABETES UK: The next meeting of Diabetes UK’s Durham Voluntary Group will be held in the Diabetes Centre of the University Hospital of North Durham, in Durham City, on Tuesday, November 13, at 7.30pm. The guest speaker will be a consultant diabetologist, who will talk about diabetes and foot care. There will be refreshments and informal discussion afterwards.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Durham Dunelm Round Table will hold a senior citizens’ Christmas concert in Framwellgate Moor Working Men’s Club, Front Street, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, on Sunday, December 9, at 1.30pm. There will be a buffet tea, Christmas carols and entertainment from singer Alan Mason and Pittington Brass Band. Some transport to the concert may be available. For more information, call Will Greeves on 0191-3862602.

STREET COLLECTION: The Durham branch of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution held a street collection in Durham city centre on Saturday, October 6. A total of £1,115.90 was donated. The branch would like to thank all who donated to or helped with the collection.