Tickets are still available for the Rotary Club of Durham Bede's annual charity concert, Friday Night is Music Night, at Elvet Methodist Church, Old Elvet, on Friday (November 9). It will include a performance by Durham County Wind Band. Tickets are £7.50 for adults, or £2.50 for children and students. Proceeds from the event will go to St Cuthbert's Hospice and the Northern Oesophagol Gastric Cancer Fund. The concert starts at 6.50pm. To book tickets, call 0191-3324041 or 0191-3866772. 

GHETTO TALK: Durham University lecturer Marek Szablewski will deliver the final talk in an autumn public lecture series at Grey College, Durham, on Sunday, November 11. Dr Szablewski, who was born in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, undertook an eight-week Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship to research his family history in the Warsaw Ghetto, in Second World War Poland. He will talk about his findings. The talk starts at 2.15pm at Holgate House, Grey College, South Road, Durham. Entry is free and open to all. For further details, call 0191-3345900.