A HOSPICE has launched its annual Light up a Life appeal, which encourages people to remember a lost loved one by making a donation in their memory.

St Cuthbert’s Hospice, in Durham, stages the appeal each November and December, culminating in a Light up a Life service in Durham Cathedral, this year planned for Sunday, December 9, at 6.30pm.

In return for a donation, participants receive a commemorative card and photo star and their loved one’s name is entered into a book of remembrance which is dedicated during the service.

This year’s campaign is being supported by Faye Nesbitt, a palliative care nurse whose father was cared for at the hospice.

Ms Nesbitt says John Bell Ward, known as Jack, inspired, changed and saved her life.

The former welder, a beloved husband, father and grandfather from Pelton, near Chester-le-Street, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2006.

Due to the hereditary link, Ms Nesbitt was then tested for cancer – and told she too had the disease.

Father and daughter underwent treatment and both went into remission. However, Mr Bell Ward’s cancer returned and he died in December 2010, aged 67.

Ms Nesbitt’s experience inspired her to go into nursing and she now works full-time at St Cuthbert’s.

She said: “Dad was the heart and soul of our family and a true inspiration to me.

“Had it not been for him, I would never have known I was ill. He saved my life.”

Mr Bell Ward loved the hospice and everyone there loved him, she added.

“They gave him dignity and support – I can’t express how good it was to go home each night and know that he was being cared for to such impeccable standards.

“December will always be a difficult time because it’s the anniversary of dad’s birthday and death.

“With the help of Light up a Life, I can find comfort in remembering him in a meaningful and special way.”

St Cuthbert’s Hospice provides free care for people with life-limiting illnesses, through a day hospice and in-patient unit. It receives some public funding but needs to raise another £1.2m a year.

To support the Light up a Life campaign, visit stcuthbertshospice.com or call 0191-3861170.