VILLAGERS who saved their leisure centre from closure are inviting the whole community to celebrate their first year in charge of the facility.

Coxhoe’s Linden Centre was saved from demolition and relaunched as Active Life @ Coxhoe by the community-run Future Leisure in Coxhoe (Flic), after members took over its operation from Durham County Council last November.

In the 12 months since, £78,000 has been spent converting a former reception area into into a dance and performance studio, back offices into a new reception and upstairs rooms into a new studio.

Various new classes have been launched and, looking to the future, bosses hope to begin a cinema club, attract more functions such as wedding receptions and secure funding to begin a “virtual cycling” programme.

A one year anniversary celebration event will be held at the centre on Saturday (November 3), featuring live music from Tex Leon and Friends and 13-year-old Coxhoe-based singer Samantha Lavery and a disco.

Visitors will be welcome to tour the centre.

Melanie Adams, the centre manager, said: “We’re hoping to show off the facility. We’re thrilled at how things are going.

“We feel we’ve put some life into the centre – and more people are coming in.

“I can’t believe a year’s gone by already. Things are going quite well at the moment. We’re very pleased.

“There’s an energy and atmosphere to the place and we’re thrilled to be hosting this event.”

The council had listed the centre for closure along with others in Pity Me, Ushaw Moor, Sherburn, Ferryhill and Crook, in an attempt to save around £1.3m a year. Following strong campaigning, only Crook’s has permanently closed.

Flic, now an established company with charitable status and directors, was given a 35-year lease on the facility by the council.

The First Anniversary Celebration at Active Life @Coxhoe, on Linden Grove, Coxhoe, will be held on Saturday between 7pm and 11pm. There will be a licensed bar. Tickets are £2.50, including a buffet. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. To book, call 0191-3771789.