POLICE have launched a crackdown on thieves and burglars following a spate of crimes in the Fence Hosues and Shiney Row areas.

Operation Jaguar was launched after a series of thefts from cars and burglaries to sheds and garages.

Extra officers will be on patrol to target offenders and reassure local residents.

Crime prevention advice will be given to residents reduce their risk of falling victim to such a crime.

Residents are urged to fit locks and alarms to sheds and garages and ensure cars are locked and no valuables are left on display.

Neighbourhood Inspector Lisa Musgrove said: "As part of the operation those people suspected of being involved in burglary and theft are being targeted, while extra patrols will be in the area to prevent and detect crime.

"Residents should contact us if they have any information about crime and disorder in their neighbourhood, or if they witness anything suspicious in their area."

Police can be contacted on 101, extension 69191. For information on crime prevention visit the Northumbria Police website at www.northumbria.police.uk.