NEW evening sessions for young people are planned for a city leisure centre.

Friday Fusion nights, for those aged 11 to 16, will be held weekly at Abbey Leisure Centre, in Pity Me, Durham, from tomorrow (October 26).

They will include workout sessions, street fusion and pop dance classes and sport. A ‘hang out’ area will also be available.

Funding for the initiative has included £6,000 from Durham County Council and £10,000 from Councillor Amanda Hopgood’s council-allocated neighbourhood fund.

Some of the money was used to renovate rooms to be used for the sessions.

The sessions cost £1 per person.

John Murphy, co-ordinator of Durham Area Action Partnership, said: “We were keen to respond to feedback from young people living in the Durham area and use funding to provide sessions which are fun, healthy activities.”

Meanwhile, functional training sessions, which include use of kettlebells, boxing bags and climbing bars, are held on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 5pm to 6pm. These are £3 per person per session, or free as part of Friday Fusion.

Abbey Leisure Centre was saved from closure last year. Councillor Mark Wilkes said it was going from strength to strength and an emphasis on bring in youth facilities was paying off by the bucket load.