POLICE in east Durham have appealed for information after a man was grabbed from behind and robbed of his cash and a debit card.

A police spokesman said the 20-year-old victim, who was wearing a green baseball cap and grey hoodie, was confronted as he walked in Cottages Road, in Seaham, between 11.20am and 11.30am on Friday.

He was pulled to the floor at the junction with Embankment Road and near to the railway bridge.

An unknown male put his hand into the victim’s pocket and took £100 as well as the victim’s debit card.

The suspect was described as between 21 and 25 years old, at least 6ft 2in tall with very short or shaven hair.

He was “extremely thin” and wearing a dark tracksuit top and bottoms, which were made of a silk-like material and appeared to be quite old.

The victim had withdrawn the money minutes before this incident from the cash machine at the ASDA store in Seaham and might have been followed by his assailant.

PC Dorothia Scales of the Peterlee Serious Crime Team said: “This happened in broad daylight in a built-up area and we are hoping to speak to any witnesses who might have seen the incident, or have any information which can help us.

Anyone with information should contact the police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.