A DOG rehoming centre has urged people to consider taking in a working breed after being inundated with animals in need of a home.

Dogs Trust Darlington, based in Sadberge, is hoping that visitors will consider breeds such as a sighthound, Labrador Retriever, collies, lurchers and terriers when looking for a new addition to their home.

Staff say that while some would happily fit into a home environment and make family pets, others could be trained to carry out the work for which they were originally bred.

Centre manager Sue Embleton said: “Working breeds such as Labradors and spaniels are some of the most popular dogs in the UK and often make ideal additions to the family.

“Due to the natural ability and great working potential of these breeds, many have found homes where they have successfully developed their natural working instincts.

“Greyhounds, whippets and lurchers are actually quite laid back creatures and if they can have a few quick blasts around a field will then be happy for the remainder of the day – it is a misconception that they need more exercise than other breeds.

"People are often put off by their size but breeds like these are very gentle and appreciative of human affection.”

Anyone interested in rehoming a rescue dog can call 01325-333114 or visit the centre at Hill House Farm, in Sadberge.