RESIDENTS are being urged to come forward with ideas on how to rejuvenate a Darlington beauty spot.

The Whinfield Residents Association (WRA) and the Friends of Beech Wood are circulating a questionnaire within the community to identify the areas most need of improvement in the Beech Wood area.

Beech Wood is a popular spot with dog walkers and also has a grassed area with goal posts for sports.

However, in recent years residents say they feel the area has become less desirable and now the two groups are hoping to improve it and make it more appealing to the community.

The main aims of the project are to: protect the trees and area; put up a community notice board; hold events at the wood and provide more seating areas.

Eileen Shepherd, Joint chairman of the Whinfield Residents Association, said: “I hope people will realise that it is an important thing and fill in the questionnaires and get them back to us instead of just throwing them in the bin.

“It’s about the neighborhood and the community coming together and realizing that this is important.”

Mrs Shepherd stressed that the WRA is open to any ideas from the public.

The questionnaires are being distributed to homes throughout the area and can be returned to any of four drop off points: Asda, Whinfield Surgery, Whinfield School and the Shuttle and Loom Pub.

It can also be completed online at