SCHOOLS, sports clubs and community groups have been invited to take part in a 24-hour bounceathon in aid of Children in Need.

Get Britain Bouncing, which advocates safe trampolining, is calling for people across Darlington to sign up for the trampoline marathon, which will take place on Friday, November 16.

Martin Schofield, spokesman for Get Britain Bouncing, said: “All people need to do to participate is hold their own bounceathon and tally up the time bounced by each person taking part in their event.

“There is no set format for people taking part and clubs can be as creative as they like with their bounceathons, we’d just like to see individuals bounce for as long as possible and to bounce safely.”

Although the bounceathon will be held for 24-hours, participants will not be obliged to take part for the whole time and can instead hold a sponsored bounce for a couple of hours during the day or evening for Children in Need.

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