TALENTED youngsters from the North-East have danced their way to the top at an international dance competition held at Disneyland Paris.

The 17 dancers, from Born to Dance dance school in Darlington, beat off competition from more than 260 competitors from across England, France and Russia to win eight trophies and a number of medals at this year’s International Dance Festival of Performing Arts.

The youngsters, aged seven to 17, were competing in the competition for the first time and came first in the tap and ballet groups, and second in the lyrical and musical theatre groups.

Their teacher, Sue Henderson, said: “We were thrilled to bits to do so well. They absolutely loved it and want to go back again as it was a treat for them as well as a competition.

“They were recommended by other dance teachers because they are so well behaved, so we are very proud of them.”

For more information on lessons at Born to Dance, contact Ms Henderson on 01325-355273.