A MOTHER-of-two has pleaded guilty to helping her brother and her partner try to steal money from a phone box.

Billie-Jo Webster, 24, of Pensbury Street, Darlington, pleaded guilty to attempted theft when she appeared before the town’s magistrates today. (Tuesday October 16)

The court heard that Miss Webster waited in a car while her partner, Jamie Walton, 25, used a piece of wood and a car jack to try and prize open the coin collector of a BT phone box in broad daylight.

It happened on October 4 and a witness called the police.

Michael Clarke, mitigating, said that Miss Webster had only sat in the car and later handed a bag over to her partner, who was unsuccessful in his attempt to break open the coin box.

“That is as far as it goes as far as she is concerned, she accepts her part in the offence,” said Mr Clarke.

“It isn’t suggested by the prosecution that she did any more than that.”

Mr Clarke added that Webster was short of money which is why she got involved.

Magistrates gave her a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered her to pay £45 towards court costs and a £15 victim surcharge.

Walton, who lives with Miss Webster and is already the subject of a 12-month conditional discharge, pleaded guilty to attempted theft and admitted this put him in breach of his discharge.

His case was stood down for a probation report and is due back before Darlington magistrates on October 23.

He was released on unconditional bail until that date.