A TRIBUTE concert is being held today (OCT 17) in memory of a former brass band president and fundraiser who died earlier this year.
Len Usher was a tireless supporter of Cockerton Prize Silver Band and raised thousands of pounds for the musicians.
Mr Usher, 88, was a former president of the Cockerton band and he sold draw tickets to raise money for the band for many years until his death in May.
He was equally dedicated to St John's Church, in Darlington, where he served as a church warden for a number of years.
John Steel, band chairman, said: "Len Usher was an amazing man who dedicated so much of his spare time to his great passions, his church and his band.
"At his funeral we discussed how best we could mark the significant contribution that he had made to both organisations.
"A concert by the band he loved at the church he loved seemed the obvious solution."
The concert is at 7.30pm at St John's Church, Neasham Road, with tickets £5. Proceeds will be split evenly between the church and band funds.