MIDDLETON St George WI is hoping to attract new members after its headquarters underwent a major refurbishment.

The group’s hall, in Neasham Road, now has a new roof, double glazed windows and path thanks to £10,000 of Lottery funding.

The work on the hall, built around 90 years ago, took a year to complete, and Beryl Simpson, president of Middleton St George WI, said: “We had started fundraising and received donations but we knew it would take a long time to get £10,000, which is why we applied for the grant.

“The roof was the first job, and it is a relief not to have to go around with buckets mopping up water, and the windows and path look great too.

“We are now looking at fundraising for the inside of the hall and would love to see new members come along and see our facilities and what we do.”

Anyone interested in joining can contact Mrs Simpson on 01325-333834 or vice president Margaret Pickering on 01325-332843.