A CHARITY set up in memory of a woman who died after battling two brain tumours is to host its annual fundraising ball.

Before Michelle Parker died in 2010 at The James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, at the age of 42, she made her partner, Darren Watson, promise to give something back to the hospital in recognition of the care she had received.

Mr Watson launched The Michelle Parker Charity with the aim of raising as much as possible within four years to buy the latest equipment for the neurosurgery team at the hospital.

He is hoping to build on the success of a charity fundraising event by hosting his second annual charity night and auction at Rockliffe Hall Hotel, near Darlington.

Sponsored by Teesside Audi, the black tie event will take place on Friday (October 19) at 7pm and includes a five-course meal. Tickets are £43 per person.

Auction prizes include signed Chelsea and Manchester United shirts, a signed photograph of Take That and the weekend hire of an Audi convertible.

Mr Watson said: “Last year, this event made just short of £8,000 which was amazing. We hope to top that figure this year and it’s looking good as we only have a few tickets left. Thanks to everyone who has returned from last year as they enjoyed the evening so much.

“The charity means so much to me as I think in my own way it’s keeping Shelly alive. I know she would be so proud of everyone who has supported me in all our fundraising events.

“All I want is to raise as much as I can in four years which will hopefully one day help us move a step closer to a cure for the dreadful disease Shelly had.”

Mr Watson is aiming to raise enough money to buy equipment for the neurosurgical theatre, including an operating microscope that will allow more radical removal of brain tumours and highly specialised ultrasound scanning equipment that can be used to identify the position and extent of tumours during surgery.

For more information call Mr Watson on 07973462878.