A DARLINGTON Brownie pack enjoyed a night of cocktails and cupcakes to mark its 60th anniversary.

The 3rd Darlington St Mary's Brownies welcomed members young and old for an evening of celebration, which saw Brownies, Guiders and parents reminisce with photographs, old uniforms, books and memorabilia.

The night included a visit from original Brownie Guider Betty Cox - previously Bromley - who opened the unit in 1952, and whose name appears on the original registration documents.

Sarah-Jane Small, a Guider and former Brownie helped organise the event, which was held in St Mary's Church Hall, in Stooperdale Avenue, Darlington.

She said: “It was a lovely evening and showed that Guiding is still very much alive.

“We had Brownies, Guiders and parents from right across the 60 year period and the cupcakes and cocktails theme, which was chosen by current Brownies, proved very popular.

“Everyone enjoyed trying the non-alcoholic drinks, the cupcakes and our giant birthday cupcake.

“It was also lovely to see Betty, she brought along photographs from the early days and shared her memories which was great.”