COUNCILLORS will tomorrow debate how best to spend a £100,000 windfall aimed at reducing the dozens of shop units that currently stand empty in Darlington town centre.

In its first meeting after the summer recess, Darlington Borough Council’s cabinet will discuss the grant it has received from the High Street Innovation Fund, a £10m funding package set up by central Government to support empty shops.

Among the suggestions for spending the money include investing £7,840 in improving an online directory of vacant sites in the borough, as well as £18,000 for window displays in 12 units classed as high priority.

it is also proposed to spend more than £31,000 contributing towards first-year rents and business rates for eligible start-ups and £5,000 cleaning and tidying empty units to enable short-term ‘pop up’ shops.

Consultation has taken place with the town centre board, which suggested that landlords should take their share of responsibility for the vacant units and be prepared to match - either financially or in kind - the money from the innovation fund.

Discussions are also taking place with the town’s business improvement company, Distinct Darlington, to ascertain whether it may be in a position to offer a financial contribution.

A detailed exercise has recently been conducted, assessing the number of premises currently vacant in Darlington town centre.

There are currently 60 individual ground-floor retail units currently empty, roughly ten per cent of the total shop floor space.

In a report to members, director of place Richard Alty said: “This compares favourably with the average national vacancy rate of 12 per cent and the regional rate of 16 per cent.

“Empty properties can visibly bring down the attractiveness and prosperity of a high street, but may temporarily reflect its changing nature.

“The sight of boarded-up shops and businesses is depressing and can damage people’s confidence in their local high street, perhaps prompting them to shop elsewhere.

“The scheme envisages that funding will be used to support business rate discounts for new businesses taking on empty properties.

“It should be noted that the funding is not ring-fenced and is available for spending as the council considers appropriate.

“The release of the funding has received wide publicity under the banner of the Mary Portas Review.”

The cabinet meets at 5pm tomorrow, at the town hall.