AN elderly couple have thanked The Northern Echo after NHS officials reversed a decision to stop their free incontinence products.

Former soldier Andrew Cummings and his wife, Audrey, said they were shocked after they received a letter telling them the incontinence products supplied by the NHS free for four years were being discontinued.

Mr Cummings, 79, from Uplands Road, Darlington, was upset because his wife, 85, has needed to use the products for four years.

The Cummings had received regular, free supplies of NHS incontinence packs over that time.

However, the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust’s Continence Service last week told them they would have to pay because Mrs Cummings was not deemed to be in sufficient need of them.

Mr Cummings said: “We were both really upset. Nobody has bothered to come and see my wife about this. All we have had is a letter saying the supplies are going to stop.”

A list of alternative products that were available to buy was included in the letter.

“My wife has had four strokes, she is partly disabled and cannot get out of the flat. We have no family and so we rely on each other. This feels like a kick in the face.”

Mr Cummings immediately phoned the NHS Continence Service office, in Spennymoor, County Durham, but was unable to make any progress.

Instead, he contacted The Northern Echo and explained what had happened.

The Echo contacted the trust and within 24 hours, Mr and Mrs Cummings were contacted by the NHS and told their free supplies of incontinence products would resume.

Mr Cummings said: “We would just like to thank The Northern Echo for helping us.”

A spokesman for the County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust said: “The trust reviewed the continence service last year to bring it into line with practice in other organisations, while maintaining a high standard of service for those who need it most. If there is a clinical reason why a service user or their carer believes their needs should be reassessed, then they will, of course, be reviewed by the incontinence team.”