A REQUEST to reopen a petrol station with extended opening hours will be discussed by councillors today.

Admorre Limited has applied to vary conditions of a historic application at the petrol station in Yarm Road, Darlington, and open a sales kiosk 24 hours a day.

Existing permission allows the petrol station, which is used as a car wash, from 6am to 10pm on Mondays to Saturdays, and 8am to 8pm on Sundays. The applicants want to close two hours later every day, and open the kiosk around the clock.

Six neighbours and ward councillor Veronica Copeland have objected to the application. Councillor Copeland said the application would cause noise problems and disturbances to local residents.

Neighbours have objected over the increase in traffic and noise nuisance, and feel there is no need for a 24-hour shop.

One also said: "Longer opening hours will encourage young people to congregate around the garage. There are already enough young people hanging around which can be intimidating."

Darlington Borough Council's planning committee will discuss the application today with planning officers recommending the opening times be approved.

In their report, officers said: "The proposed variation is considered, on balance, acceptable and will not cause significant impacts in terms of residential amenity."