CHANGES to household benefits will see claimants in Darlington lose an average of £6.55 per week.

A report on how Government plans to reform the benefits system will impact on Darlington says the borough council will see a reduction in Local Housing Allowance and Housing Benefit of about £875,000 a year.

And the report - which is to be discussed by the council's neighbourhood services scrutiny committee this week - warns that the reductions could restrict the availability of affordable appropriate housing for people claiming housing benefit in Darlington.

As part of the changes, a five-bedroom rate of housing allowance has been scrapped and families can only claim up to a maximum of four bedrooms.

There are only 12 families in Darlington claiming the higher rate and they stand to lose an average of£17.75 housing benefit a week.

However, the council's director of people, Murray Rose, said: "This change may affect the ability of larger families claiming housing benefit to access affordable appropriate accommodation."

The overall reduction in housing allowance will affect approximately 2,500 households who will lose an average of £6.55 a week.

Households who also receive excess housing allowance will no longer be able to do so. The changes are being brought in by the Government to reduce the cost of the housing benefits scheme and provide more incentive for people to find work.

The council has said it will be writing directly to individuals affected by the changes letting them know how their benefit will change.

The committee will discuss the report at its meeting at 9.30am tomorrow, in the town hall.