A POLITICAN took a leap of faith as she abseiled 90ft from a church gallery at the weekend.

Jenny Chapman, MP for Darlington, discovered it was tough at the top and raised £400 for three charities after taking part in the challenge at St Cuthbert's Church.

Organised by Darlington and District Scouts, those taking part in the event donated the first £40 to the Darlington church and the next £40 to the Scouts, with the rest going to their charity of choice.

Also taking part was vicar the Reverend Robert Williamson, who donated the money he raised - more than £500 - to the church.

Mrs Chapman, who is supporting Darlington and County Durham Rape Crisis, is hoping to raise a little more.

"Four very kind people volunteered to take buckets round the bars and clubs for Darlington's gay night last night, which was wonderful.

"The abseil itself was alright - I didn't like stepping over the edge. I found it pretty scary, but once you're up there and you have an audience and lots of sponsorship, there's no going back.

"The Scouts did a brilliant job of organising it - it was a credit to them."

To sponsor Mrs Chapman, visit justgiving.com/JennyAbseilingStCuthburts