A BUS stop which was moved to accommodate a cycle path looks set to be relocated again.

Darlington Borough Council are looking into asking bus company Arriva to transfer a bus stop on North Road, near its junction with Salters Lane, to a new spot after a row of houses were built on a site of a former petrol station.

The bus stop and shelter were moved from its original site, which was opposite North Road's junction with Longfield Road, when a cycle path was created in 2009.

Now, the bus stop, which no longer has a shelter, is directly outside a resident's front window, and a request has been made to the council for it to be moved on the grounds of privacy.

The council would like to hear resident's views on where the new stop should be located.

One proposal, which would allow for a shelter to be erected, is a stop next to St Mark's church. This is about 40m further away from the existing stop and about 110m from the original stop.

A council spokeswoman said: "Residents have asked that the bus stop location and provision of a shelter be reconsidered and we are in the process of reviewing the options.

"We will respond once we have the views of interested organisations including Durham Police, disability groups and the bus operators."

Anyone who would like to give their views should contact Harrowgate Hill ward councillor Mark Burton on 01325-486378.