Darlington manager Mark Cooper says he remains determined to bring in a forward as he seeks to bolster a team that has found goals hard to come by in recent weeks.

He had been hoping to bring one in before Tuesday’s trip to Rushden, which Quakers lost 2-1.

But Cooper was unable to arrange a deal in time ahead of a game which saw Danny Powell score what was Quakers’ only second goal in four matches.

“It’s difficult to get players to come, sometimes because of the location and clubs don’t want to let their best players go,” said Cooper.

“There’s lots of different factors. Money is one but I’m sure if we find the right player the chairman will let us bring him in.

“We’re limited with what we’ve got. We’re trying to get Tommy Wright back as soon as possible, though Tuesday was probably too soon for him but I thought he did well.

“At least he showed a bit of fight to get hold of the ball.”

Darlington are at home to Hayes & Yeading on Saturday when Cooper, frustrated at the performance of his team on Tuesday, is likely to make more changes.

He made three at Nene Park and switched the 3-4-3 formation but still did not get the desired outcome.

He said: “I’m sick of watching the DVDs because I watch them after every game and I see the same things.

“You either have to stick with it or replace the players and bring in some leaders.

“It’s not ideal to keep bringing new players in, but when you get performances like that and the players keep making the same mistakes there’s only one thing to do.”

Meanwhile, former Darlington assistant manager Mark Proctor is in the running to become the next Lincoln boss.