LEADER of a council has promised to use his influence to ensure a water company can carry out vital flood defence work.

The pledge came after it was revealed there had been delays in Northumbrian Water undertaking the second phase of a 5m flood defence project in Darlingtons West End because the company had been denied permission for a temporary depot to store equipment.

The work is being carried out after residents in the area experienced up to three feet of water and raw sewage in their gardens during flooding three years ago.

Coun Ian Galletley said at a meeting of Darlington Borough Council last week he was worried if proposals were turned down again, the project would be in jeopardy.

We have had one delay already on the planning committee, said Coun Galletley. We now look as though we are running into difficulties for a second site for the contractors.

Yesterday, I was told if it fails again, the scheme could be in doubt. This would be a catastrophe for the ward going into winter.

He urged council leader John Williams to use his influence to help keep the project on track.

Coun Williams said he would use all the influence he had to ensure the project went ahead.

I am confident that our officers appreciate the urgency of the situation and the need to make progress with this in the interest of residents, not just in your ward, but in others too.