A CALL to build a community centre instead of housing on a rugby club ground has been made by a ward councillor.

Councillor Bill Stenson said there were no such facilities for youngsters in the Mowden ward which he represents.

He said a new community centre should be built on the land currently occupied by Mowden Park RFC if its move to West Park goes ahead.

Yuill Homes was given permission to build 67 homes on the grounds in Yiewsley Drive, Darlington, in 2002.

Agreement was reached between the developer and the club for the sale of the ground, which would have paved the way for Mowden's switch to a new site in West Park, but Yuill shelved the plans and called off the deal last year.

Last week, Yuill applied for an extension to the project because the permission is set to run out.

The club chairman and developers are now confident that the deal will revived to allow the scheme to go ahead.

When the plans were first raised a decade ago, there was strong opposition in the area, with more than 100 residents raising objections with the council.

They were supported by ward councillors Bill Stenson and Ron Lewis.

Coun Stenson said yesterday: "I think that it would be probable for the rugby club to move out of there.

"I would then like to see the rugby club sell the ground to the community for a community centre.

"I will be looking forward to seeing what is going to happen."

He was one of the people objecting to the plans in the early part of last decade but said that fresh housing was now needed.

However, he called for the development to be sympathetic and for green belt to be adhered to.

Complaints at the time of the initial application also included loss of open space, impact on landscaping, wildlife and nature conservation, the loss of sporting and community facilities and traffic problems.

Coun Stenson added: "The site would be ideal for youngsters. We have nothing there in Mowden for youngsters except for the park. They need somewhere else to go out of the weather."