A TEENAGE guitar player who was tipped for stardom has been one of the first musicians to graduate from his music school.

Alex Fawcett, who recently graduated from the Darlington-based School of Rock and Pop, was inspired to perfect the guitar after speaking to American blues legend Sherman Robertson.

The guitarist noticed the 17-year-old in the crowd when he was playing at a blues festival in Darlington a few years ago.

Alex, from Darlington, said: It was the weirdest event of my life.

"I was just standing by the stage and he came down and lent on my shoulder.

He said 'you play guitar don't you? I predict you are going to be a great guitar player one day. You have the same glint in the eye that I had'.

"Later on I got an email saying the same thing. Then I was watching him live again and he remembered me; he remembered my name and invited me back stage."

The experience prompted him to join the School of Rock and Pop.

The award winning school was set up four years ago by Andrew Meadowcroft and Keith Peberdy.

Mr Meadowcroft said: "Alex is dedicated to his music, sometimes practising for six hours a day and has the drive and energy to succeed in the business."

Alex, a music and performance student at Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, now gets regular work as a solo musician and as part of a nightclub trio called Toxic.

* The School of Rock and Pop is holding auditions on November 5 and 7.

For more information call 0845 234 0195 or e-mail: Andrew@schoolofrockandpop.com.