AN ARTS group is to hold a glamourous fundraising ball.

Darlington Arts Academy has organised a James Bond Themed Ball for Friday November 13 at Blackwell Grange Hotel in Darlington.

The groups director Rebecca McGarvie said: We wanted to give everyone the chance to have a glamorous night out on a tight budget so we have kept ticket prices really low and we even organised a ladies dress swap to help people find their ideal outfit without spending a penny.

Dress agency Grace The Weddings Company on Coniscliffe Road will be supporting the event. Owner Michelle Smith said: At times like this selling items you have lurking in the back of your wardrobe is great way to earn a little extra cash and also helps to support worthy groups.

I'm delighted that my business will be supporting Darlington Arts Academy this month.

Tickets cost 25. Call 01325-743166 for information.