A CHILDREN'S play area was closed over the weekend after it was plagued by suspected under-age drinkers.

Residents and dog walkers complained that broken glass, cans and bottles was strewn across Springfield Park, in the North Road area of Darlington on Saturday morning.

One of those who witnessed the aftermath of Friday night's drinking was Liberal Democrat Alan Macnab, who is focus group member for the nearby Haughton West Ward.

He said he was "shocked and appalled" at the scene in the park, which was covered with beer and lager cans, wine bottles, take away meal cartons, plastic bags and broken glass. Street Scene workers cleared up the park during the weekend.

Mr Macnab said: "Under age drinking is a major and very serious issue with the North-East having the highest rate of teenage drunkenness in the country.

"There is a need for facilities to be provided for teenagers so that they have something else to do than hang around drinking in public parks like Springfield Park."

He said underage drinking was a regular problem in the park and called for council officers, the police and other organisations to stamp out the incidents.

A joint scheme between the council and police enables them to confiscate alcohol from teenagers.

Police have also during the past few years upped patrols in the area on Friday nights because of the surge in problems.

Mr Macnab was also disappointed that the drinking was allowed to continue in an area covered by CCTV.

A council spokesman said CCTV operatives recorded the incident and reported it to police.

She added: "Springfield Park is monitored for anti-social behaviour as part of the Operation Stay-Safe, a Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) initiative to combat underage drinking by patrolling known hotspots where under-age drinking takes place.

"Any young people who were recorded behaving in an anti-social manner will now be located and interviewed by the Police and the anti-social behaviour team."

Police have regularly reported that Fridays are their busiest night of the week. Last Friday, more than 90 incidents were recorded.

Anyone witnessing any anti-social behaviour should contact anti-social behaviour team on 01325-346714 from 9am to 5.30pm; the CCTV team on 07816-820048 between 5.30pm and 10pm; or police on 0345-60-60-365 after 10pm.