FORCE cyclists got a police escort thanks to a Darlington motor dealership.

Charity riders from Durham Police saddled up for a coast to coast challenge to raise funds in memory of a former colleague.

They completed the task with a back up support vehicle provided by Darlington Vauxhall dealer Sherwoods which was packed with high energy goodies for the ride.

PC Andy Parker helped to arrange the fundraising event in aid of St Teresa's Hospice in Darlington.

He said: "We had 16 riders, all police officers, retired police officers, friends and relatives, who rode the 140 mile ride from Whitehaven to Sunderland.

"Joining us was Ann Barber, wife of PC Chris Barber, one of the force's top firearms experts, who sadly died at the hospice in April from pancreatic cancer aged just 51.

"One of Chris' favourite sayings was 'absolutely average' and it seemed fitting that we named the ride in his honour as the 'absolutely average C2C Tour 2009' with a logo of a cycle and a speeding bullet.

"Sherwood's generosity in lending us a back up vehicle, and having it sign-written with our logo, was absolutely fantastic and let everyone know who we were and what we were doing."

With donations still coming in the team hopes to raise more than £5,000 for the hospice, which cared for Chris and his family, and are already planning a coast to castle cycle in Scotland next year.

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