A HEADTEACHER has appealed to dogwalkers to clean up after their pets while they are on school grounds.

Pat Armstrong, the headteacher at Branksome Science College, in Darlington, has said there has recently been a number of problems with dog walkers using the fields at the school.

Mrs Armstrong has said she does not mind people walking their dogs on the field, which is open to the public.

However, she has asked that they are kept on a lead and any mess is cleaned up.

Darlington Borough Council has said it is hoping to bring in a Dog Control Order which would prevent animals being brought onto the field at all.

Mrs Armstrong said: "Because our fields at the back are open we do get people tending to walk their dogs there.

"It's not a problem if they keep their dogs to the edge of the field on a lead.

"Sometimes we do get a situation where people are walking their dogs across a field and theres a PE group there.

"If the dogs are loose youre never quite sure if its harmless or not.

"Also, if people could clean up after their dogs, as its not nice for people to have to play rugby or football there, when there's that mess around."

Mrs Armstrong said the school did not want to have to pay thousands of pounds putting up a fence to prevent dogs being walked across the grounds.

She added: "We're just asking for a bit of cooperation from our neighbours.

"We're all one big community and we want to work with them."

A council spokeswoman said: "Dogs will not be allowed into Branksome School grounds as part of a new Dog Control Order.

"Local people have been consulted on the Dog Control Order and although it has to be approved by cabinet, it is hoped the new rules will be in force early next year.

"This means that anyone with a dog found to be on the school grounds, will face a fine.

"Dog owners should clean up after their pets - anyone who does not could be fined.

The school can report issues concerning dog fouling to our Street Scene Enforcement Team on 01325-388777."