A FLORAL arranger who designed a birthday cake for Prince Charles passed on tips to a Darlington society earlier this month.

National demonstrator Jayne Edmonds, from Coventry, gave a display called Threaded with Beauty to Darlington Flower Club.

The talk was based on her love of threads and garden flowers, which raised her interest in flower arranging and fabrics.

She told everyone about her love of fabric design and her former career as an art teacher, specialising in historical costumes and fabrics.

She also told members about designing a three-tier birthday cake for Prince Charles. The Prince of Wales kept the top tier while the lower two tiers were shown on the BBC’s Pebble Mill and to raise money for Children in Need.

Ms Edmonds has previously been invited to the World Show in Pakistan and will be attending next year’s event in Boston, USA. Doreen Howson, spokeswoman for the group, said: “Her designs showed her skills in floral design and everyone thought they were amazing especially the one which she turned upside down. Her arrangements included beautiful-coloured flowers and incorporated threads and fabrics.

The group’s next event is the annual Christmas Show on the evening of Wednesday, November 4, at Hummersknott School which will include a demonstration by Ian Lloyd called A Candlelight Christmas.

Doors open at 6.30pm and all proceeds will be donated to the Breast Care Trust Fund at Darlington Memorial Hospital. Tickets are £7 and available on 01325-265776.