DANCING star Darrien Wright returned to his old school to help honour pupils’ academic, sporting, pastoral achievements.

Hurworth School Maths and Computing College held its lower school Evening of Achievement to recognise exceptional attainment of more than 100 students in years seven, eight and nine.

Guest of honour was Strictly Dance Fever winner Mr Wright, who attended the school from 1996 to 2001, and returned to give pupils an inspirational speech and present prizes.

Hurworth pupil and singer Katie Coleman also performed at the ceremony.

Headteacher Dean Judson said the annual event was very important.

“What is nice is that the evening does not just celebrate academic achievement, it celebrates sporting and pastoral achievement too.

“It is to congratulate students for all the hard work they have put in over the last three years - it is very important to celebrate achievement.

“It is very nice of Darrien, who as an old boy of the school, has come back to present the prizes. It is nice for the pupils to see Darrien, who has done exceptionally well in winning a national dance competition and opened his own dance school.

“He was always very drivenm and passionate about dance when he was at school and I hope he has inspired the pupils.”

Subject prizes - English: year seven Amy Younger; year eight Hannah Coulson; year nine Rhiann McAlister; F C Coleman Prize for English Peter Smith and Abigail Holme; Reginald Gray Prize for English Joe Leakey and Sam Smith. Religious studies and humanities - year seven Rachele(cor) Bellu(cor); year eight Rachel Chapman; year nine Hannah Briggs. James Barningham Scholarship for Humanities Jack McKay and Rachel Wright. Maths - year seven Michael Skingley; year eight Hannah Coulson; year nine Abigail Neasham. Science - year seven Rachele Bellu; year eight Jordan Hodgson; year nine Jack McKay. Mr Morris's Shield for the best performance in the Science Standard Assessment Test Danny Stevens. Modern foreign languages - French: Bradley Bell, Nikitah Mangat, Megan Richardson; German: Rachel Chapman; Peter Smith. History - year seven Callum Blades; year eight Jennifer Hall; year nine Megan Richardson. Geography - year seven Daniel Ireland; year eight Sam Smith; year nine Peter Smith. Design and technology - year seven Alice Taylor; year eight Nikitah Mangat; year nine Fionn Macdonald. Clara Lucas Awards - year seven Luke Saunders, Rachel Gunnell; year eight Thomas Johnston, Zoe Metcalfe; year nine Dayle Cook, Abigail Neasham, Luke Watson, Jessica Brown, Zak Freak, Rachael Coulton. ICT - year seven Joe Leakey; year eight Josh Wolstenholme; year nine Abigail Neasham. Art - year seven Imogen Hopkins; year eight Matthew Allenby; year nine Charlotte Hall. Music - year seven Thomas Currie; year eight Richard Hodgson; year nine Rhiann McAlister. PE - year seven Emily Ralphs; year eight Becky Ward; year nine Jack McKay. Sports day cups - Victor Ludorum year seven David Parsons; year eight Robert Waite; year nine William CRossen, Danny Stevens; Victrix Ludorum year seven Abbie Ralphs; year eight Becky Ward; year nine Victoria Harker. Year 9 Darlington Schools' League and FA Cup Winners 2009 presented to Jack McKay. 100 per cent attendance awards - year seven Callum Blades, Gabrielle Blades, Anna Brewster, James Carter, Adam Howell, Lauren Jones, Kathleen Lynn, Anna Stevens, Alice Taylor, Jake Wiper; year eight Jack Goodchild, Thomas Johnston, Jodie McCartney, Stuart Mitchell, Jodie Nicholson, Christopher Norminton, Sam Smith, Emma Sutherland, Josh Wolstenholme, Lucas Wright; year nine Kearan Braithwaite, Christopher Chapman, Rachael Coulton, Jennifer Ridley, Thomas Metcalfe-Evans. Citizenship and red star awards - year seven Ross Carpenter, year eight Lewis Marchant, Ellie Wendel, year nine Catherine Neasham. Pastoral awards - year seven Jake Mitchell, Imogen Hopkins, year eight Richard Hodgson, Mollie Edwards, year nine Dayle Cook, Meghan Gibbon. SAT awards - level seven in English: Lauren Barden, Jessica Brown, Daniel Carr, Emily Chapman, William Crossen, Alex Gardikiotis, Gemma Gowling, Thomas Heath, Roza Hutchinson, Megan Richardson, Ashley Ruddam, Casey Wheelhouse, Rachel Wright. Level seven in science: Luke Watson. Level eight in maths Joshua Norris, Gavin Watson. Level seven in science and level eight in maths: Ryan Baker, Jack Daykin, Bradley Freeman, Jamie-Lee Hayman. Level seven in English and level eight in maths Sam Binns, Nicholas Wiper. Level 7 in English and science: Alex Carter, Peter Smith, Tegan Stevenson. Level seven in English and science, and level eight in maths: Elizabeth Davis, Rhiann McAlister, Jonathan McGuire, Jack McKay, Abigail Neasham, Jennifer Ridley, Ben Sandwick, Danny Stevens, Rebecca Stewart. Excellent progress in key stage three - science: Christopher Chapman, Shane Dermott, Amy Peyton, Jessica Whitney. Maths Christopher Chapman, Fionn Macdonald, Connor McKnight, Jennifer Ridley; English: Sam Binns, Christopher Chapman, David Thornton, Hannah York.