RESIDENTS over 60 can take up advice on how to correctly store and handle food to reduce the risks of developing infections.

Environmental health officers at Darlington Borough Council are providing advice on listeria following an increase in case in the over-60s.

The number of cases in those aged over 60 has doubled since 2001 at a national level. It has caused more deaths per year then salmonella and the e-coli bug combined.

The free advice sessions is part of national Food Safety Week which runs until Sunday.

Officers will be available at Darlington's Elm Church on Bowman Street on Friday from 10.30am to offer advice on food safety and hygiene in the home.

They will also hand out leaflets, information and free fridge thermometers.

Councillor Stephen Harker, cabinet member for health and leisure, said: "It is vital that people know how to store and handle food correctly.

"This free advice reminds all people, including the over-60s, about the importance of the four Cs - cooking, cleaning, chilling and cross-contamination."

Anyone wishing to know more about food safety can contact 01325-388799.